Brake Fluids DOT3 – DOT4

Brake fluids are hydraulic fluids that transfer the force exerted on the brake pedal to the brake cylinders in the wheels of cars, motorcycles, and trucks.

Properties of the brake fluids offered by INTOchem:

  • Effective accumulation and transmission of pressure.
  • Prevention of wear and friction in the brake system.
  • Maximum protection against corrosion.
  • Good neutralization of all adverse effects of dirt and water, when penetrating the system.
  • Optimum heat transfer.

The types of brake fluids are classified per their boiling point, which should be very high because the braking applications produce a large amount of heat. INTOchem provide Brake Fluid DOT3 which has a boiling point of 205°C and DOT4 which has a boiling point of 230°C, as indicated by the Department of Transportation.

Technical Specifications Table DOT3

Properties Specifications Test Method
Appearance Slightly viscous liquid Visual analysis method
Color Blue amber Visual analysis method
Density, g/ml 1,075 – 1,110 PRO-GLA-CAC-002 - 0
pH 7,00 – 11,5 PRO-GLA-ACC-003 - 0
Boiling Point, °C 205 Min (426°F) PRO-GLA-CAC-004 - 0
Kinematic, cPs 50°C viscosity 1,5 Min PRO GLA-CAC-005 - 0
% Humidity 3% Max Karl Fischer method

Technical Specifications Table DOT4

Properties Specifications Test Method
Appearance Slightly viscous liquid Visual analysis method
Color Light yellow Visual analysis method
Density, g/ml 1,075 – 1,110 PRO-GLA-CAC-002 - 0
pH 7,00 – 11,5 PRO-GLA-ACC-003 - 0
Boiling Point, °C 232 Min (450°F) PRO-GLA-CAC-004 - 0
Kinematic, cPs 50°C Viscosity 1,5 Min PRO GLA-CAC-005 - 0
Humidity 3% Max Karl Fischer method


Bureau principal
Advance Tower, 1er piso, Zona Bancaria Ciudad de Panamá, Panamá.

Téléphone: +1 877.497.5239


Siège Amérique du Sud
Av. Paseo Eraso con calle Chivacoa. Torre Tamanaco, piso 2, Urb. San Román, Las Mercedes. Caracas, Venezuela.

Téléphone: +58 212.992.3434 / +58 412.305.4688